We accept donations from generous community members, and we work with GIVIT to distribute donated goods as well. It’s a long road back to a home after a disaster, and we understand that lots of people still need essential items to make their house a home. Get in touch with us to put in a donation request using the details below.
If we don’t have what you need we will try to find it.
Resilient Lismore also supports disaster affected community members to access support through GIVIT. GIVIT is a national not-for profit that partners with local charities to connect those in need with generous donors, ensuring that Australians experiencing hardship receive the essential items and services they need, when they need them most. If we don’t have the items you need in stock, we might be able to work with GIVIT instead. Get in touch with us and we can discuss this with you.
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That we are living and working together to recover from this climate disaster on Bundjalung Country, and pay our deepest respects to Elders past and present.