Community Outreach Surveys

Understanding community recovery in Lismore

Resilient Lismore has conducted door to door outreach each year since the disaster. 

With volunteers and support workers from other organisations we talk to people to share information and to gather data that helps us to advocate to government.

Project Background

The first survey was in August 2022 and the second in June 2023. The outreach in 2022 was focused providing referrals, and grant and program
information. In 2023, Resilient Lismore partnered with Red Cross, Social Futures, Uniting, and Headspace to undertake another round of door-to-door outreach. Door knocking teams referred people to the Recovery Support Service programs, and also surveyed residents to gauge the condition of disaster affected houses. Outreach teams canvassed 695 homes, with 295 homes (representing nearly 600 people) completing a survey that had a particular focus on understanding the living standards of people who had returned to flood damaged homes and the obstacles preventing them from restoring their homes. 2024 outreach has just concluded and results are currently being analysed.

2023 Outreach Results

Approximately 25% of homes were uninhabited or seemingly abandoned. Of the homes that were surveyed, more than 50% of responses regarding the condition of the bathroom and the kitchen reported ‘fair/poor/none’, and more than 50% of respondents were uninsured. 

Respondents were asked about their barriers and challenges with recovery and rebuilding. As well as waiting on the outcome of the NRRC Resilient Homes program, there was a consistent theme of financial inability, mental and physical health challenges, and just not knowing what to do.

Our outreach survey showed that nearly 18 months after the 2022 floods, far too many people in the Northern Rivers were still living in substandard conditions. Of the 562 people covered by the survey, 126 (22%) were over 65 years of age. Sixty-five people (11.5%) were living with a disability, and 32 (6%) were living with chronic or terminal illnesses.

2024 Outreach Results

Falling through the cracks: 2024 Lismore Flood Zone Survey and Outreach Report  

In July 2024 Resilient Lismore returned to homes in the Lismore floodplain and repeated the outreach program that it conducted in June 2023. The 2024 program had two aims:  

  1. To connect residents in the Lismore flood zone with recovery support
  2. To form a comprehensive evidence-based understanding of Lismore floodplain community needs

This report provides an important snapshot of Lismore floodplain residents’ struggle to recover, as they approach three years since the catastrophic 2022 flood. Ongoing disaster impacts are evident at both the individual/household level and at the social cohesion/community level.  

The survey shows that nearly half of the floodplain residents are facing multiple challenges, mainly wellbeing/mental health and financial challenges. It signals a significant unmet need for house repair and rebuild services for people who are not eligible for government programs or who are underinsured. Also, it finds that many residents may be unprepared for a future major flood event and are at the highest risk. 

It highlights significant shortfalls in recovery support for households that ‘fall through the cracks’ of existing disaster recovery and preparedness programs. Further support is still needed to meet the particular needs of the people living in the flood zone, many of whom are also navigating challenging personal circumstances such as financial strain or living with a disability. 

Want to help us out?

We welcome new volunteers every week! Get in touch now and you will be part of our team in no time

We Acknowledge

That we are living and working together to recover from this climate disaster on Bundjalung Country, and pay our deepest respects to Elders past and present.